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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Drunvalo Melchizedek - Birth of a New Humanity. Earth Grids, Consciousness Grids, Pyramid Technology 3rd and 4th Dimensions... much more...

From Sedona, Arizona

Drunvalo Melchizedek - Birth of a New Humanity from Ritchy Niburu on Vimeo.


Tools for Your Ascension Journey

Forgiveness - Energetic Cleansing Assist from the Galactic Portal of Lake Titicaca in Peru.  Simple yet Profound

Unblocking the Inner Sacred Pathway of Knowledge and Light - with Archangel Michael

Essential Oils for Multi-dimensional Support, Clearing, and Empowerment

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

2012 Event Horizon: (2) Prophecies and Science - Earth Grid, Pyramid Power, Forgiveness, The Golden Age

 by David Wilcock

This is ONE of FOUR videos - you can see them all on YouTube next to this video.

In this video,  David Wilcock explains why forgiveness is essential to the planetary grid - among many many other topics.

This explains for me another reason why the guides of the Lake Titicaca Portal in Peru insisted to me on my vision quest there that forgiveness is the most needed energy on the planet right now.


You can access the light encoded forgiveness meditation from Peru, as well as read about the two sacred journeys there  - linked from this page


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