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Monday, December 21, 2009

The GIFT of ForGIVEness ~ EVENT: Solstice Christmas ForGIVEness Mastermind Dec 21 2009

A Christmas Message From the ForGIVEness Guides of Lake Titicaca:

 The GIFT of ForGIVEness 

Forgiveness is one of the most magnificent events that human beings can participate in. Indeed, even beings from all sides of the veils participate in ForGIVEness.

Forgiveness is a universal unblocking of the divine sense of
energies that are essential to maintain peace and harmony in all the layers of God's creation.

Sometimes humans think that only THEY have to practice forgiveness.

But hurts and wounds and misunderstandings can happen in many levels of the universe - even all the way up to the Godhood.

That may seem surprising to you.  But, the energy, the presence, the unknown mystery that you call God, the Creator Force, is also busy evolving and creating new life forms and new situations.

And sometimes things happen even inadvertently that require ForGIVEness.

And our definition of forgiveness  is very simple:  It is letting go of the hard energies.

You know, as third dimensional beings, when you smack your foot, stub your toe, or bump into something,your whole system retracts quickly, and then clenches. It is a hardening, a compaction of the energy circuits. 

Sometimes the constriction is the shutting down of the universal life force.

So forgiveness, from our perspective, is opening that life flow back up again... letting the divine circuity flow with the full force of the  life energy - divine prana if you will.

So, on one hand, from the human perspective, forgiveness is a very courageous thing - because you are trained to not open yourself back up.

In so many societies on the contemporary human planet, you are asked to not only hold on to the energies, but to pass them on to your children and the people around you.
You know,  the sins of the fathers are passed on to future generations ~ ~ revenge killings... feuding that goes on for generations.

So it can be very courageous to step outside of this societal programming and open yourself back up to the divine flow of creative power, love, and abundance.

And on the other hand, it is the easiest thing to do, because once you do it, and you are restored to your full prime operating condition, and get flushed with joy and new energy again, you say:  "Oh!  This is so easy! Why didn't I do this before."

So we understand, in working with humans at this time, what a fine line it is....  and how you have two opposing energies.

One drawing you in to holding on to the hardness.

And the energy that is becoming more prevalent - saying:  "No!    LET GO!  Let go and let God...come back into your divine flow."

That is OUR description of forgiveness.

We appreciate you for being willing to hold the space to have this conversation. We appreciate  that you are opening to allow us to bring our gifts- our divine power - onto the planet at this time.  

Thank you for being.


EVENT: Solstice Christmas ForGIVEness Mastermind Dec 21 2009


SPECIAL GUEST:  Jacqueline Joy, Founder of Diamond Energy Meditation discusses how the ForGIVEness Meditation helped her move through her unconscious anger to effectively move her project through an unrealized inner block.

Jacqueline also offers a special 22 day Solstice Gift of her Diamond Energy. 

To RECEIVE Jacqueline's DIAMOND GIFT FOR YOU, Click on the Diamond Art at

A GIFT for YOU from

Pat Crosby

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